What is Radon ?
Radon is a radioactive gas typically found in soil, rock or water. Radon is invisible, odourless and tasteless and does emit ionizing radiation.
To find out what level of Radon you have in your home can be done without the need for a costly test.
If your home does have higher levels of Radon it too can be remediated for approximately $2500.00 The remediation process involves redirecting radon gas outside of the home at least 1” above grade line. Radon entry points are should be sealed to resist gas entry cracks, window casements, sumps, dirt floors and cracks in foundation walls and floor slabs are sealed using a urethane caulking compound.
Facts about RADON and it’s effects.
- Radon is a naturally occurring gas that over time decays to produce radium and polonium. Eventually, polonium is released with the radon with does create a high toxicity level in the air.
- We cannot smell, see, taste of hear Radon.
- Radon is an induced lung cancer and kills one person every 25 mins. Joining arsenic, asbestos and benzene as a Class-A Carcinogen.
- To get a better more accurate test on Radon testing does require at minimum 3 months to a 1 year. The exposure to Radon and it’s effects are measured over years and a long period of time.
- If your home has a reading of 200 Bq/m3, which is Health Canada’s required action level.
- Getting an accurate measurement of Radon in your home can depends on factors such as people opening windows in basements. Radon levels inside homes fluctuate great. Small differences in air pressure create vacuums that suck in soil gases/radon.
- Indoor radon level are usually higher in winter because. 1. The heating system is pulling air up and out of the home (stack effect) and 2) Frozen ground/soil saturation caps/blocks soil gas/radon from normal exit into the atmosphere from outside soil – causing soil gas/radon pressure to rise.
- An activated sump pump can pump “some” radon out with the water (and lower indoor radon levels somewhat).
So what does this mean to you as a home buyer in Calgary if you see a high radon levels? Radon testing, should be tested for a minimum of 3 months to 1 year. The testing device placed in the lowest point in your basement for the period of time so this test usually is not something you would be doing for a home inspection or a house buying process!
Let NIR Home Inspections protect your family with a Radon laboratory test for under $50.00
Call today to schedule your Radon Test!